Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's in the White House!

It has been so interesting watching the news over here. (The TV is on during every meal-and most of the time it is about Madonna or American politics) I think that the presidential election was bigger over here than it was in the states!

Tonight the International Hotel in Madrid was hosting a party for Americans and Spaniards who wanted to watch the inauguration. The room was packed with English speakers (not just from the U.S.) This was a little weird for me to hear English coming out of so many mouths! They had live jazz music and tv's all over the place. Seeing the White House and D.C. on the TV made me realize for the first time just how far away I am from the states! It was so fascinating to watch not only the American citizens in that room, but the Spanish citizens as well who were celebrating this historical event. There were cameras from local news chanels all over the place...in fact tonight as we sat for dinner in front of the TV and watched the re-run of the event we saw a couple of the guys who were with us standing awkwardly in the background.

On a side note: I ate anchovies for dinner last night. It was weird.

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